Wednesday, October 12, 2011


We've all experienced pain in our life...

Moments that have caused us to feel as though our heart was literally breaking into 2 pieces, each with raw edges...

Moments that have caused us to doubt ourselves and our perception of others...

And in those moments, the pain was so intense, so crushing that we wanted to quickly move on...we did not want to dwell in that place...

And as time marched forward, the memories became less vivid, the pain began to subside....UNTIL...

UNTIL...a date on a calendar, a song on the radio, a place, a trigger of any kind...brought it all back...and again, we were left holding our heart, hoping to keep the fragile healing in place...

But here's what I've come to realize...pain serves a purpose...

We can't hope to quickly move past it, to forget the experience(s) completely, to move forward and never look back...

Instead we should (and I know this is going to sound C-R-A-Z-Y, but stay with me), hope to always feel the pain...for in the pain, we remember...we remember that we LIVED...that we FELT...that we LOVED...that we LEARNED...that we SURVIVED...

In my own experiences, it has been the dark moments that I have faced that I have learned the most about myself, others, the relationships that I share with others and as painful as those lessons have been, I need to be reminded of them...

1 comment:

  1. Pain is the touchstone of all growth.

    Well, don't look at me. I didn't make it up. I heard it somewhere.
