Ok Fellow Moms,
I'm in search of the "Easy Button" for my life...
My house is being overtaken...by 2 things...
1) Laundry
2) Artwork
And I want it BACK...I want a sense of order, organization...
BUT, I also want to be able to enjoy time with Kate and Drew at the end of the day, on the weekends, I don't want to be confined to our laundry room...and certainly there are the moments after they go to bed or while they nap, but to be honest after waking up at 5:30 and working all day, I also am ready to go to bed or take a nap!
So...how do you do it? You all seem to have it together - I've been to your perfectly organized houses, with laundry neatly folded in drawers, not piled up in various rooms...
And what about the artwork, the drawings, the doodles? Do you keep them ALL or just a select few? How do you rationalize getting rid of some?
Ahh, this is a constant struggle for me too. Laundry seems to work best for me if I wash a lot all at once, take an evening one night a week and do 4 loads and then maybe once on the weekend. I wash Jackson's clothes all together on dark and fold them in his basket downstairs and put them away when I can, then I do the same with Tyler's, and then I wash lights and darks separately for us and fold them in the basket downstairs, laying the hanging clothes across the top do they dint get wrinkled. This works fairly well for me. On the weekends when there is more time, I do sheets and towels.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of papers that the kids bring home, I thought I had this fairly under control until this year when Jackson started kindergarten and Tyler is in preschool. Now we have so much more paper to deal with! I keep a plastic tub downstairs in my pantry, and when they bring something home, I write their name and date on it and throw it in the tub. When the tub fills up, I go through them all and sort them and put the papers I want to keep in the labeled under bed storage bin I have for each boy and throw out the rest. The good thing about this is that they feel like i am keeping everything, I can access things right away, but then later I can be more discriminating. The under bed bins work well since they are big and can handle the large artwork that sometimes come home. I also have a clothesline in each boy's room where I use clothespins to hang very special art and change that up periodically. They love to see their work in display!
I love your blog! Sorry to write so much!!