Thursday, December 8, 2011
The grass on my side of the fence...
Can I be as cute as my friends?
Can I be as funny?
Can my house look as organized? As nicely decorated?
Can my children be as well mannered? As cutely dressed?
What I have never stopped to think about or even remotely consider is that there could be people thinking the same thoughts about ME...
That is until last week when a friend stopped me and said how she so enjoyed reading my blog (and do you know - she could have stopped RIGHT THERE for I just love the thought of someone enjoying my words, my thoughts...), but she went on to further say that it seems as though "the grass is always green" on my side of the fence...
Her thoughts got me to thinking (and laughing for they could NOT be further from the truth)...and what I realized is that she thinks that way because that's what I let her see, through my words, through the memories and moments I share...
And once again I was reminded of the importance of showing vulnerability, of being completely honest with yourself, with others...
To all my fellow moms, let me give your Christmas gift from me a little early this year so that you can see that the grass on my side of the fence is not green, it's full of those brown ugly patches, it's full of weeds...
My life is not perfect...I struggle DAILY to keep up with my job in the office and my job at home and often feel as though I am coming up short in both...I struggle to balance the need to spend quality time with my children, my husband and just wanting to check into a hotel for the weekend ALONE (me, a big bed, room service and complete control of the remote sounds like HEAVEN)...I struggle to not let my impatience get the best of me, but there are moments when I am short with my children or Dave, when I admittedly count down the minutes to nap time or bed time or encourage Dave to go out for the night with his friends...I struggle with keeping up with laundry...I struggle with winning the battle over clutter and often do nothing more than move things from one place to another...I don't make my bed most mornings (or have Kate make hers)...I don't make dinner for my kids, instead we often pick up something and bring it home (why does that feel like a step above eating out) or just heat up something in the microwave...I still carry many of the teenage girl insecurities of wanting to be like, to be accepted, to not wanting to be "left out"...
Feeling better yet?!? I know I do...being able to share my takes courage, it takes belief in myself and in others, but it is liberating...
Here's to encouraging others...but more importantly encouraging OURSEVLES, loving OURSELVES as we love others...
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Almost As Good As "The Coffee Store"...
Even better I'm a HUGE fan of Starbuck's...
The downside...I'm the ONLY coffee drinker in my house (though Drew demands multiple sips each morning so there is hope yet)
Being the ONLY coffee drinker means no weekend mornings curled up in the chairs at Starbuck's, hands wrapped around warm cups, savoring each sip, trading bites of yummy breakfast treats, people watching, and talking...not "throwing words" at each other as we run from point A to point B, but truly talking, catching up, laughing until we can't breathe, smiling until our cheeks hurt...
BUT...I am beginning to see the tide the weather grew colder and the holidays began to show themselves in walks through parks to admire the lights, in parties, in time spent with family and friends, Kate has enjoyed her first tastes of hot chocolate and she L-O-V-E-S it...and I LOVE that she loves it and I LOVE that Starbuck's has great hot chocolate...
I wasted no time in taking her...just as I thought she was a FAN! She requests it at least once during the week and often both days of the weekend and I am more than happy to oblige...of course I love the coffee, but more, I love the time with my girl..each of us curled up with our own "red holiday cup"...
Of course, it's not always feasible for us to make a trip to Starbuck's so I wanted to make sure we were prepared when she had a craving at home...I found a recipe for "homemade" hot chocolate and tonight, me and my girl whipped up a batch, she grabbed a bath, and then we both settled on the couch, in our jams, cup in hand and savored the sips (complete with marshmallow mustaches)
She looked at me, smiled, and said "Momma...this hot chocolate is as good at the hot chocolate at the 'coffee store'"...oh how I love her!
Kate's "Almost As Good As Starbuck's" Hot Chocolate
8 Cups Powdered Milk
6 Cups Nestle Quick (approximately a 1 lb. 8 oz box)
4 Cups Powdered Sugar
2 - 8 oz. jars powdered flavored coffee creamer **
11 oz jar powdered regular coffee creamer
1/2 tsp. salt
**The flavor you choose will be the flavor of your hot chocolate. I used vanilla (or "banilla" as Kate says), but you could use any flavor
Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl
Store in an airtight container
Mix together 1/4 cup mix and 1 cup hot water
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Little Moments...
All of the above...they are what we consider to be "special occasions"...moments to slow down, celebrate, to be thankful for all that we have...
This week has been one of those weeks where most has NOT gone according to plan, I was at home on Monday with Drew and find myself at home again today with between doses of medicine, I've had lots of time to catch up on my favorite daytime TV...In doing so, I caught the end of a Hallmark commercial and their tag line, it caught my attention, and gave me pause...
"Life is a special occasion" to the list above I'd like to add "Thursday mornings" -- Thursday mornings spent cuddled on the couch with Drew, he's clutching his favorite blue puppy as he lays on my chest and I'm just breathing him in...I want to always remember what it feels like to have his hands holding onto my shirt because he doesn't want me moving, I want to always remember the sweet smell of his breath, I want to always remember how soft his hair feels as I run my fingers through it...I just want to always remember...
As I head into the crazy (much by my own design) holiday season, I've made it my goal to celebrate the little moments of every day life and make them there is much to celebrate each and every day, not just the days denoted on our calendars!
Here's to Thursday mornings at home with Drew, Friday nights at home with Kate and Dave having pizza, watching a movie in our pajamas, Sunday afternoons on the couch with Dave, he watching football and me cheering on the "other team" as that's the only way it's fun for me!
Friday, November 4, 2011
The Time Of My Life...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Along the way, I've been thinking a lot about my goals, my needs, my wants - my desires to be a better mom, wife, friend, employee, my desire to want to love myself love myself as deeply and intensely as I love others...
But I've come to see recently is that I'm not alone...we ALL want these things...we ALL want to better in one way or another...
Life is crazy...I know I'm constantly running from one place to the next, often getting there "just in the nick of time" (and sometimes with hardly a memory of how I got there)...and in this craziness, I'll be the first to admit that I think often of myself. Simple things like "I really wish this other driver would go just a bit faster so that I could pick up Drew on time" or "Really?!? The lady in front of me at the grocery store does not have her debit card out and ready to swipe at the first opportunity?!?" Or maybe even more complex things like asking a coworker or neighbor how they're doing, but not really stopping to listen to their response - sure I may HEAR what they have to say, but am I LISTENING? Am I paying careful attention to the tone in their voice? To what they say and just as importantly what they don't say?!? Sometimes I wish we could wear signs to "alert" others to the journey we're taking. Maybe the sign would say "I'm a new mom..." or "I'm unhappy in my marriage..." or "I want to be loved..." or "I need a good friend to share a cup of coffee and a good laugh..." I think seeing the signs would remind us that we all struggle to find our way, to better ourselves...
We're not alone in our travels...we're all on a journey of some sort and we all have our baggage to carry...we need to take the time to acknowledge each other, to be there for each other, and most importantly to learn from each other...
The first stop in my journey...VULNERABILITY...allowing others to see "me" moments of weakness, my moments of worry, my moments of insecurity...and let me tell you, it's scary, it's almost paralyzing, but it's also liberating, for not only is my life being touched but so are the lives of others...
Monday, October 31, 2011
Where'd She Get That From?!?
Certainly I think Dave is good looking, but as a mom I couldn't help but want my baby to look a little bit like me...Over time, I grew used to it. And then I was pregnant again and I thought "THIS will be the baby that looks like ME..."
And for a second time, my hopes were dashed...Drew is a carbon copy of his sister, his father...
Last week, Dave was traveling for work. It was a crazy week as I juggled the demands of work and home alone, but I did it. I even managed to handle 2 doctor's appointments - Kate came home with what she described as an "angry tummy" on Tuesday and by Wednesday morning, it was so "angry" that she was in tears. Wanting to leave no stone unturned, I took her to the pediatrician who after some poking and prodding diagnosed her with he was making his diagnosis he turned to me and said "Most often in kids her age heartburn is caused by either you or your husband have anxiety issues?!?" REALLY?!? This is how she's going to be like me...not brown hair, not big brown eyes, but my anxiety?!? Oh my poor baby...
Fast forward to Friday and I find myself sitting with Kate's teacher for our first Parent/Teacher Conference of the Year and I listen as she tells me how well Kate is progressing - she's right on track to be well prepared for Kindergarten next year, BUT she is concerned because Kate she has noticed that Kate does not like to make mistakes, mistakes make her upset, mistakes often reduce her to tears of frustration...she turned to look at me and I immediately 'fessed up..."It's me, she gets that from me...mistakes are not ok with me either...I want things to be PERFECT, the FIRST TIME. She's just like me"
Turns out, she may look like Dave, but she has a lot of my personality traits - some good, like her big heart, like her laugh that is often so hard that it takes her breath away, but some that need some work, like the ability to be "ok" with making mistakes.
It's my hope that by the next Parent/Teacher conference that BOTH Kate and I will have made progress in this area - that I will be able to show BOTH my girl and myself that it's through mistakes that we learn the most...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Be Still My Heart...
Back to back conference calls, a doctor's appointment that ran L-O-N-G (2 hours LONG), afternoon meetings, and a huge pile of work that came home with me...
It was getting the best of me...
I could hear it in my voice, feel it in my muscles, hear it in my steps (or should I say stomps?!?)
I made it through bedtime and was ready for a few minutes just for ME..and then it started...Kate calling out for's a recent addition to our bedtime routine, and an unwelcome one at that...
I'm not proud to admit this, but I sighed and stomped up the stairs...
Her purpose in calling for me had been for me to turn on her radio (music is another recent addition to our bedtime routine), BUT...
As I was leaving...she quietly said "Mamma?!?" I turned around to see her sitting up in her bed, arms outstretched. MELTED MY HEART.
I pulled her into me and she wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered "I love you, Momma"
And with that, I was reminded...of ALL that matters...
My children want to know that they are loved...that they matter...
My children want me to know that I am loved...that I matter...
The rest of it (the "busy-ness" of work, the laundry, the chores, the frantic pace of life) just doesn't compute.
And once again, my children have been the teachers and I...their student...
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
On The Ledge...

Last week, I found myself in before you get green with envy, let me make this clear, I was NOT sitting on the beach with the sand between my toes and a cool drink in my hand...INSTEAD, I was sitting in a conference room, learning how to maximize revenue...(sure the conference room happened to be located in a luxurious Ritz Carlton hotel, but I digress...)
During the conference's "welcome", this quote was read:
- To grow my marriage, I need to be willing to have the open, honest, transparent communication that is not always easy. This means I need to say the things that may be hard to say, but perhaps even more importantly, I need to listen to the things that may be hard to hear. To know that they are coming from a place of love.
- To grow my friendships, I need to be the friend that will encourage my friends, push them, and similarly to my relationship with Dave, I need to engage in open, honest communication with my friends. I am lucky in that my closest group of friends have been a part of my life for 20 years and with that time comes familiarity and while that is good, while that is comforting, it can also be a hindrance for we sometimes don't allow ourselves to see that we are changing or that our friend is changing. Change doesn't mean that the friendship needs to end, it just means that it needs to adapt and we need to allow it to happen.
- To grow as a person, I need to be honest with myself about my feelings, my goals, my desires.
Throughout the day, I kept turning this quotation around in my head...I loved the idea of it "without risk, there is no reward", but I have to be honest...risk scares me...risk involves faith, risk involves uncertainty...
I...I like the known, I like a plan, I like statistics pertaining to a possible outcome...that's how I process whether a decision is a good one or a not so good one...
I also think often of the fact that the impact of my decisions are not limited to me - for they affect Dave, they affect Kate, Drew, and countless others in my life. To feel as though I may make a decision that could change the course of another's life, that's daunting, that's paralyzing...
BUT...I cannot let the fear paralyze me, the fear of the unknown, the fear of disappointing others...
I must step out onto that ledge and take the step FORWARD...believing first in myself and then in the others that surround me, that love me...
And as further affirmation that I needed to apply this principle to my life, as I caught up with old friends at my reunion several of them spoke of changes that they had made in their lives recently. They spoke of the risks they took, they spoke of the importance of being first honest with themselves, before they could be honest with anyone else, they spoke of the resulting growth in their relationships. From the risk, came JOY...JOY that radiated across their faces....
We each deserve to find that GROW...
Let's step out onto that ledge TOGETHER...
Monday, October 17, 2011
Made My Night...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Moments that have caused us to feel as though our heart was literally breaking into 2 pieces, each with raw edges...
Moments that have caused us to doubt ourselves and our perception of others...
And in those moments, the pain was so intense, so crushing that we wanted to quickly move on...we did not want to dwell in that place...
And as time marched forward, the memories became less vivid, the pain began to subside....UNTIL...
UNTIL...a date on a calendar, a song on the radio, a place, a trigger of any kind...brought it all back...and again, we were left holding our heart, hoping to keep the fragile healing in place...
But here's what I've come to realize...pain serves a purpose...
We can't hope to quickly move past it, to forget the experience(s) completely, to move forward and never look back...
Instead we should (and I know this is going to sound C-R-A-Z-Y, but stay with me), hope to always feel the pain...for in the pain, we remember...we remember that we LIVED...that we FELT...that we LOVED...that we LEARNED...that we SURVIVED...
In my own experiences, it has been the dark moments that I have faced that I have learned the most about myself, others, the relationships that I share with others and as painful as those lessons have been, I need to be reminded of them...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Rescue Me...

Monday, October 10, 2011
Because I Knew You...
I have to say, the last musical number of the show, "For Good", brought tears to my eyes...
As Elphaba sang to Glinda "I know I'm who I am today because I knew much of me is made of what I learned from'll be with me like a handprint on my heart..." I felt a stirring in my heart as I thought about the many people that have made me...ME
I am a firm believer that people are brought into our lives for a reason, bringing with them a lesson we need to learn...that we can't learn without them...
And the fact is, I don't recognize that enough, thank those people enough for all that they have done and continue to do...until NOW...
Dave - You've taught me to live in the moment...not to worry about what could happen or think about all that I have to remind me that if I'm constantly thinking about the future, I risk missing the moment that is unfolding in front of me...
Christie - You've taught me have faced and overcome experiences that I haven't and to be honest, that I'm not sure that I could...and each and every time, you have possessed such strength, you have done what you knew needed to be done, no matter how hard, you have kept going...never letting fear get the best of you...
Meredith - You've taught me the values of both hardwork and perserverance...I am so in awe of the things that you have accomplished...obtaining both a Master's degree and a PHD while balancing the demands of a growing family and teaching; then, taking your knowledge of the classroom and the "inner-workings" of a school to a role in Human Resources to help find the "best fit" of teacher and school -- you are such a "people person" and this role fits you so and while I know this may not have been the path you saw for yourself, I want you to know how very proud of all that you have accomplished, of all that you continue to accomplish, for even though you are not standing in front of a group of students, your impact is still felt in the classroom...
Stacy - You've taught me to have believe that things will work out as they should, and that may not be as we plan, but that's ok because we must keep the faith...When things feel as though they are spiraling out of control or getting a bit "scary", we need to keep continue putting one foot in front of the other, knowing that it is all part of a greater plan...that we will learn from these experiences...and that no matter the outcome, we are not alone...we are supported by the love of our family, our friends...
Mandi - You've taught me to have not let your experiences get the best of you, to define you...
And there are others, so many others...they may have drifted in and out, but their impact is still felt each and every day, they are carried in my heart and always will be...
To ALL of you...Because I knew you, I have been changed for good...
I love you ALL -
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The Way We Were...
Over the past few months, it has been the subject of much conversation amongst my friends and I...would we go? More importantly, what would we wear?!? (some things never change...)
Once we decided we would go, the next decision was whether or not we'd take our husbands with Dave and I talked about it, he would often say "I'm happy to go and be there for you, but just remember I won't really know anyone..."
Over the past few days, I've come to realize that I won't really know anyone either...Sure, I will be familiar with the names and the faces, I will know the people that they were THEN, but I don't know who they are NOW...the fact is, NONE of us are the people we were then...
Since walking across the stage at the Fairgrounds, we have all taken different paths...had different experiences...
But we are all a common starting point...
I look forward to Saturday, to meeting "old friends" for the first time...
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Holding On...
When that scarf is worn they will think of her...
And I know how special that is because I am lucky enough to have a scarf of my own as well as several things that she has cross-stitched for me throughout the years...In those gifts, I have something "tangible" to hold onto, to remind me of how she loves me so.
Ask Dave and he'll tell you, I'm BIG about being able to see something, hold onto's how I learn, it's how I remind myself, now that I think about it, I see that it's how I bring comfort to myself...when I'm in doubt, I can find this object, I can hold it tight to my chest, and be comforted...
And because it's what I SEEK, what I CRAVE, I often try to GIVE it to others...but here's the rub, I often feel as though I fall short, I can't sew, knit, crochet, paint, draw...
I'm not really much of a cook, though this is an area I'd like to improve on as I love the thought of Kate and Drew saying "I really love my mom's _____ (right now they'd say, "I really love it when my mom picks up dinner from Martins!")
BUT what I have come to see recently is that I have the gift of my words...the ability to put my thoughts and feelings down, to describe how I feel about someone... to give them a piece of my heart to hold onto in the moments they need comfort...
We all have a way of leaving something for someone else, something to bring them comfort, to remind them on a hard day that they are loved, cherished...once we figure it out, we should put it to use because we all need something to hold onto from time to time...
Friday, October 7, 2011
Favorite Things Friday
Over the past few days, I've been listening and I've heard lots of "I don't like..."
"I don't like getting up early in the morning..."
"I don't like the way I look in these pants, this shirt..."
"I don't like the end of the day when Drew does more crying than laughing and Kate's dialogue is full of whining..."
"I don't like deciding what to have for dinner..."
"I don't like fighting the never ending battle of laundry..."
"I don't like this TV show..."
I don't like, I don't like, I don't like...
But what about those things that I do like? Perhaps I should focus more on those and in doing so, I'll turn my attitude around...
Hence, my first FAVORITE THINGS FRIDAY. In no particular order, a few of the things that make me one happy girl:
1) The sound of Kate and Drew's deep belly laugh
2) Coke from the fountain - so much better than from a can
3) Old school Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder
4) Episodes of the "original" 90210, The O.C., One Tree Hill, Friends, Dawson's Creek...hmmm seems to be a bit of a pattern here
5) Chocolate in ANY FORM (candy, ice cream, cake)
6) A nap
7) Fresh flowers
8) A pedicure
9) The aroma of Dave's shampoo and body wash coming from the shower in the morning
10) The way Dave's eyes light up when he grins...oh how I L-O-V-E that grin...14 years and counting and it still makes my heart beat a little faster!
All of these are within in my reach at all when I catch myself heading into a negative direction, I'm going to grab one (or ALL of the above depending on the severity) and turn things around...
What are some of your favorite things?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Just Because...
This has been as much as an adjustment for Dave and I as it has been for Kate as it's just "one more thing" to add to our already jam packed nightly routine...
And the kicker?!? It's once a week...what we'll do when it becomes a nightly occurence I don't know and am trying not to worry about...I've got a year before that becomes my reality...
This week's think of 3 goals that she has for Pre-K...3 things she wants to learn...
And it got me to thinking...what are my goals?!? And to be honest...I couldn't think of often than not, I'm thinking of others...what Kate and Drew need, what Dave needs, what my boss needs...that I'm not comfortable thinking of myself...
But I need to...not because I am selfish, but because I have a responsibility to myself, a love for myself and to be all that I need to be for others, I need to take care of myself...and I have only this one chance...
I heard it said recently..."Regret does not come from the things that we say or do, but instead regret comes from those things that we do NOT say or do..."
How true! For in doing or in saying, we are not letting the fear, the unknown, the logistics, all the reasons why we shouldn't stop us in our tracks...we are going for it...we are living...
The first step is identifying WHAT we want to do...and I don't think we have to think of goals of being "lofty achievements" - they can be something simple like "I want to wake up 5 minutes earlier so that I can truly savor my morning cup of coffee instead of gulping it down as I run around the house getting everyone up and dressed" or "I want to make sure that in the craziness of the end of the day, I take the time to change into my "comfy clothes" so that I don't wake up on the couch still in my work clothes at 1AM..." On second thought, those are lofty goals some days...but my point is, start with the WHAT - big or small...
Then we figure out HOW...there is ALWAYS a way...
Looks like I have a little homework of my own to do...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Within The Lines...
Kate grabs her markers, a few of her favorite coloring books, and sets up camp on the floor of the living room...
And she loves the company of Dave or I...and to be honest, I love that time with her...those are the moments that I hear about her day...not as answers to the questions I ask (What did you have for lunch? Who did you play with? What did you learn about?), but the day from her perspective...her thoughts, her insights...they are such precious moments...
Lately, she has been focused on "coloring like Mommy" and by that she means coloring within the lines...
I've watched her, tongue out in deep concentration and I am so proud of the "progress" she's made, but there have been some eye opening experiences along the night, I watched her go a little outside the lines and she quickly turned the page and started over...when I asked her why she started a new picture, she quickly responded "I went outside of the lines."
And with that move, I was convicted of two important lessons I need to teach both Kate and Drew...not with my words, but with my actions...
I'll be the first to admit...I am your "typical" type A...a perfectionist in ALL that I do...and mistakes, well they're not ok with me...
But the fact is...mistakes are a part of life...we can't hide them...we can't always start over with a fresh page...instead, more often than not, we have to recognize the mistake and keep going...hoping not to make the same one...So I've been careful lately, to let Kate see me make mistakes, and more importantly, to see me be "ok" with making them...that's not easy...I am fighting it, but I keep going...
Secondly, we shouldn't always "stay within the lines" - life can't always be neat and orderly...for as long as I can remember...I have had a plan...I needed to take certain classes to get into the college I wanted to go to, I needed to have certain experiences for my resume to get the job I wanted, I wanted to get married, start a family...and while I think having an overall plan for your life is a good thing, I think sometimes a plan can hinder us more than it can help us...for we miss those moments we're not planning on, we don't let life surprise us...
Some of the best moments are the ones we don't plan on...they are the ones that take you by surprise, that take your breath away...that knock you to your knees...I've learned this since I've been a mom...but I wish I would have learned it sooner, that I would have "planned" for more spontaneous moments, lived outside the lines...
It never ceases to amaze me...I'm supposed to be teaching my children, guiding them along the way, but instead more often than not, I find them teaching me...fulfilling needs, voids, I wasn't even aware of...
And for that, we will all be better...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
And Here I Go...
Over the past 6 months, I have tried to suppress the voice in my head that was telling me (over and over and over again) that I needed to let go of that fear and instead love myself enough to be completely vulnerable and transparent with my thoughts and let others see "all' of me - my weaknesses, my insecurities, my joys, my sorrows...
As a parent, I think there is no greater lesson that I can teach my children than to love themselves enough to truly be themselves...and how can I teach them if I'm not willing to take the same leap of faith?!?
With this blog, I hope to share a little of this crazy little thing I call life - the precious moments I am blessed to share with Kate and Drew, the moments that both Dave and I find success (as parents, as a couple, professionally), but perhaps more importantly...the moments I would normally keep to myself - the moments I find myself frustrated, the moments where I fall short...I keep them to myself because it's not what I want others want to see, for I am afraid of what they would think, but the truth is...we all have those moments, we're not proud of them, but we have them and they are the moments that we learn the most about ourselves...the moments that we are most "real"...
I think we will all learn something along this journey - there will be laughter, there may even be tears, but without a doubt there will be LOVE, for each other and for ourselves...
And with that...