I was once a fourth grader who was often found crying in the bathroom...
I was once a fifth grader who willingly ate god-awful combinations of food at lunch time as demanded by the "it" girls...
I was once a sixth grader who was bullied on the bus...
I was once a high school girl who was part of a "three-some" (the wholesome kind!), who learned the hard way that 3 doesn't work...
I have often felt left out, I have often felt unworthy, I have often felt as though I was not ENOUGH...I often wore a mask, hiding my thoughts, my needs, my wants in an effort to be who I thought others wanted or needed me to be to be their friend...
I have told you (all 7 of you that read my thoughts) that my goal for 2012 is to learn to believe that I am ENOUGH...
For all that I am, for all that I am not, for my strengths, for my weaknesses, I am ENOUGH...
Easy enough to say...
Nearly impossible to believe, but I'm getting there...
I'm getting there because I'm letting myself out...
I'm "showing off" my dancing skills to Drew while cooking dinner and the sound of his deep belly and his shreaks of "Dance! Dance!" overcome my self-consciousness...
I'm wearing clothes that I wouldn't normally wear (we're talking slightly more trendy than my normal) and I'm feeling good in them thanks to the encouragement of Dave, my co-workers, my freinds...
I'm showing my heart, my vulnerabilities to my friends, and I'm feeling better by the minute because I am being shown such love, such understanding in return...
I read a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson this morning - "A true friend is one who will make us do what we can."
And his words rang true in my heart for it is through the love, the encouragement, the pushes of Dave, Christie, Meredith, and Stacy -- the absolute best friends that any girl could ask for that I am learning...more than that, that I am slowly beginning to believe...I am ENOUGH...that I am being shown what true freindship is...
That I CAN...That I WILL...That they will be there...Should I SUCCEED...Should I FAIL...
Love, Friendship...it's not about saying or doing what you think the other person WANTS to say or wants to hear, it's about saying or doing the things they NEED to hear...It's loving ENOUGH to do those things...
How very blessed I am...
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
A Boy And His Dog...
On Valentine's Day, I handed Drew his puppy, he smiled his grin...that grin that takes over his ENTIRE face and there was no looking back. My boy...he was IN LOVE.
At first "blue puppy" (so aptly named by Kate) was necessary only for sleeping...
NOW, "DOGGIE!" (as so aptly named by Drew and said with much enthusiasm) is necessary for EVERYTHING...
From the moment that Drew's eyes pop open and he starts his day with some high spirited jumping in his crib, to the moment that he lays down and fights the battle against sleep, DOGGIE! is in his arms...DOGGIE! joins us for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (and if often offered food and drink), DOGGIE! goes to daycare, DOGGIE! goes on all our errands, when life gets a little out of sorts, DOGGIE! is who Drew turns to, he brings him to his nose (don't ask...I have no idea why), and all is right again...
(And let me just say, DOGGIE! has on occasion been left in our bed and I, too, have cuddled with him, inhaling the sweet smell of my baby boy and the memories of his childhood...I have a feeling, when Drew's "too old", he will become mine and a reminder of days gone (too quickly) by)
Friday, January 20, 2012
Hit The Streets...
Sports have never been my thing...
Our adversarial relationship started early...I played T-Ball, my dad was the coach, and I...well needless to say I was NOT the star of the team...From T-Ball, I moved on to soccer...again, NOT the star...in fact, my the only goal I scored was for the opposing team...
As I grew, I found my "sweet spots"...I thrived on the track team, on my pool's swim team...I loved being a part of a team (reference earlier posts on my NEED to be included), but I also loved that my moments of success (or failure) impacted only me...
And as a young girl, I also loved the time to think things through...as I ran, as I swam, I also pondered, I decided...Now...as a mom, as a working mom, I find myself more and more in need of that time...I need the time to think through my thoughts, I need the exercise...I need both the emotional and physical fulfillment...
To that end, I've set a goal for myself in 2012...
I want to run (and more importantly FINISH) a HALF MARATHON...
In my head, the "Lifetime Movie Version" of this goal plays over and over...it goes a little something like this...
I'm running, enjoy the feel and sound of each step, the miles are passing easily, I'm barely breaking a sweat, and as I near the finish line, I see Kate and Drew...I pick up Drew and grab Kate's hand and cross the finish line with both my "babies" in tow...not only achieving my goal of finishing, but finishing "ahead" of time...
Sounds good, right? I think so...
Certainly accomplishing this goal is going to take some work...some hard work...
A couple of weeks ago, I went out and bought new shoes, new clothes...I was ready...
Last week, I set out for my "inaugural" run with a good friend...new shoes on, IPOD full of inspiring songs, I was ready...
Or so I thought...about a 1/2 mile in, I was gasping for air...I was sweating, looking like I had run a lot farther than 1/2 mile...while my body was in a bit of "shock" from the sudden activity after years of INACTIVITY, the biggest obstacle I faced was my mind...I could hear the voice saying "Wouldn't it be nice to walk?!?" "Do you really think you're going to be able to run 13 miles if you're already this tired after 1/2 mile?!? Just give up now..." "This is looking NOTHING like the Lifetime Movie Version..."
I pushed...that's not to say that I didn't walk because I did, but then I ran again...and I FINISHED...
Will it be necessary to physically train?!? ABSOLUTELY. But more importantly to emotionally train...To BELIEVE...I am ENOUGH...I CAN do it...
Who knows? I just may surprise myself and live the Lifetime Movie Version...
Our adversarial relationship started early...I played T-Ball, my dad was the coach, and I...well needless to say I was NOT the star of the team...From T-Ball, I moved on to soccer...again, NOT the star...in fact, my the only goal I scored was for the opposing team...
As I grew, I found my "sweet spots"...I thrived on the track team, on my pool's swim team...I loved being a part of a team (reference earlier posts on my NEED to be included), but I also loved that my moments of success (or failure) impacted only me...
And as a young girl, I also loved the time to think things through...as I ran, as I swam, I also pondered, I decided...Now...as a mom, as a working mom, I find myself more and more in need of that time...I need the time to think through my thoughts, I need the exercise...I need both the emotional and physical fulfillment...
To that end, I've set a goal for myself in 2012...
I want to run (and more importantly FINISH) a HALF MARATHON...
In my head, the "Lifetime Movie Version" of this goal plays over and over...it goes a little something like this...
I'm running, enjoy the feel and sound of each step, the miles are passing easily, I'm barely breaking a sweat, and as I near the finish line, I see Kate and Drew...I pick up Drew and grab Kate's hand and cross the finish line with both my "babies" in tow...not only achieving my goal of finishing, but finishing "ahead" of time...
Sounds good, right? I think so...
Certainly accomplishing this goal is going to take some work...some hard work...
A couple of weeks ago, I went out and bought new shoes, new clothes...I was ready...
Last week, I set out for my "inaugural" run with a good friend...new shoes on, IPOD full of inspiring songs, I was ready...
Or so I thought...about a 1/2 mile in, I was gasping for air...I was sweating, looking like I had run a lot farther than 1/2 mile...while my body was in a bit of "shock" from the sudden activity after years of INACTIVITY, the biggest obstacle I faced was my mind...I could hear the voice saying "Wouldn't it be nice to walk?!?" "Do you really think you're going to be able to run 13 miles if you're already this tired after 1/2 mile?!? Just give up now..." "This is looking NOTHING like the Lifetime Movie Version..."
I pushed...that's not to say that I didn't walk because I did, but then I ran again...and I FINISHED...
Will it be necessary to physically train?!? ABSOLUTELY. But more importantly to emotionally train...To BELIEVE...I am ENOUGH...I CAN do it...
Who knows? I just may surprise myself and live the Lifetime Movie Version...
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
One Word...
I must confess, I am a stalker, I am a stalker of other blogs...it started innocently enough, reading the blog of several people that I in fact do KNOW and more than that people that I LOVE.
After savoring their thoughts and feelings, my gaze would drift to their "blog roll" - the list of blogs that they read and I would randomly click on one (ok...you caught me...ALL of them) and read...feeling instantly as though I, too, knew these writers...their lives, their families...
And here's the thing...it is through my stalking that I have found some of my greatest inspirations...moments that have created a stirring in my heart...
To that end, I had one of those moments today...I stumbled across a project called "One Little Word." The idea? To pick one word for the year to focus on, mediate on, reflect upon as you go about your daily life.
Words have power...words can build you up, words can tear you down, words can inspire you...
A new year is upon us...a fresh start, 365 days of possibilities....
In thinking about the things I want to do, the things I want to be in 2012, it hit me that they can all be summed up in one word...
After savoring their thoughts and feelings, my gaze would drift to their "blog roll" - the list of blogs that they read and I would randomly click on one (ok...you caught me...ALL of them) and read...feeling instantly as though I, too, knew these writers...their lives, their families...
And here's the thing...it is through my stalking that I have found some of my greatest inspirations...moments that have created a stirring in my heart...
To that end, I had one of those moments today...I stumbled across a project called "One Little Word." The idea? To pick one word for the year to focus on, mediate on, reflect upon as you go about your daily life.
Words have power...words can build you up, words can tear you down, words can inspire you...
A new year is upon us...a fresh start, 365 days of possibilities....
In thinking about the things I want to do, the things I want to be in 2012, it hit me that they can all be summed up in one word...
My goal for 2012...to believe that I alone am ENOUGH...for all my strengths, for all my weaknesses, for all that I bring to the table, and for all that I take from others, I am ENOUGH...I am ENOUGH to be loved by others, but more importantly by myself...
To believe wholeheartedly that I do not need to do MORE, or be MORE, but just be ME...because in doing so, I am more than ENOUGH...for Kate, for Drew, for my friends, for my family...
Certainly it never hurts to hear these things from others, but this year...I'm going to take it one step further, I'm going to try to "buy what they're selling" - I'm going to see the good in me as much as I see the good in others...
And if I had to guess, I'd venture to say that this belief...it's going to bring some unexpected blessing my way this year...
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